Binge Watch Alert. NETFLIX: Living Undocumented — Featuring our members

Binge Watch Alert. NETFLIX: Living Undocumented — Featuring our members

screenshot of living undocumented on netflix

If you haven't seen it yet you definitely need to watch the new Netflix series: Living Undocumented, Produced by Selena Gomez

As a result of members of American Families United coming forward, we are getting the word out. They feature the Juarez family beginning in Episode 1. 

American Families United Member Temo


We're excited about the show for a number of reasons.

The series: 

  • Explains the bars
  • Talks about the 1996 IIRIRA law 
  • The impact that many presidents have had on the current immigration problem and not just focusing on the current administration
  • Is getting worldwide attention


Watch a clip of the series below on youtube: we've started it at second :45 to show our members the Juarez family immediately. 


You can find the entire series here on Netflix

We are currently building our support network and resources to lobby Congress in future legislative sessions. Our biggest goal at the moment is to build a strong grassroots network of supporters, increase funding, and create an infrastructure to get the word out. Please consider helping by volunteering, attending lobby day in Washington DC, subscribing to our emails, signing our petition, donating, or becoming a Circle of Hope supporter

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