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  • petition signature
    Rachel Estevão
    signed Letter to President Biden 2023-12-07 11:45:13 -0500
  • petition signature
    Rachel Estevão
    My family has been greatly affected by this horrible outdated law. My husband is exiled from the United States and we are living apart! My daughters are nine and two. I’ve turned into a single mom, and my daughters don’t understand why their dad can’t come home! My husband is a hard working man who would greatly help to benefit our economy. He had his own company, paid taxes, provided jobs, never used government assistance, never had a speeding ticket! As an American citizen I deserve to have my loved one with me and our children. This country was stolen and built on the backs of immigrants. Why does my husband have to be excluded? As an American citizen and my American citizen children it is OUR RIGHT to be together as a family! My American children DO NOT DESERVE to be separated from their father and have their family torn apart! At one point in time ALL OF OUR ANCESTORS migrated to this country!! Pleas STOP excluding the current immigrants who come here for a better life, the same as our ancestors did!! It’s not only hurting them but hurting other AMERICANS such as myself who deserve to not be segregated, exiled, and forced to choose between our country and the ones we choose to LOVE and neither do OUR CHILDREN!