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  • comment
    Jammie Zamora
    commented on Show Support 2023-12-09 21:51:56 -0500
    I am a U.S citizen who was raised in a military family. My grandpa, my dad, uncle & my brother all served this country. I am currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. My husband is undocumented and we have 2 U.S Citizens children and we have been married for 10 1/2 years. Please President Biden help my family and families like mine. Please do not take Parole off the table in your current negotiations with Republicans over Ukraine funding. If you remove parole it will hurt mixed status families like mine. I voted for you and we are giving you the opportunity to be a voice for us! Please be on our side and help us! We are U.S Citizens and we love our spouses regardless of their immigration status. Thank you!
  • petition signature
    Jammie Zamora
    signed Letter to President Biden 2024-03-19 18:45:11 -0400
  • donation
    Jammie Zamora
    donated via 2023-05-24 13:26:41 -0400
  • signup
    Jammie Zamora
    signed up on Join Us 2024-02-28 19:54:04 -0500
  • petition signature
    Jammie Zamora
    signed Pass the American Families United Act 2024-02-28 19:57:54 -0500
  • petition signature
    Jammie Zamora