Monica L. Flores
Community Health Promotions at Nikken International

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  • comment
    Monica L. Flores
    These tragedies are all too common, and it is the rich that get richer and the families who have tried to be model citizens by doing everything that , " the US Government" askes of them are slammed. Slammed behind bars, detained, and thought of as criminals. These are our family members. Some who have made every attempt possible to comply with the, " rules of the land", pay back taxes, and tried to be vigilant about their civil duties by applying, filing and paying numerous fees, fines, and recompenses way beyond what any modern American family will every know. Thus creating a system of poverty. Why can’t Americans and it’s presidency see the value of these hard working families and give them the opportunity to build our Glorious Nation up by supporting our families instead of tearing them apart.? Currently in Mexico
  • petition signature
    Monica L. Flores
    signed Pass the American Families United Act 2020-12-21 20:07:55 -0500
    I am currently living in Mexico because if not my husband and I would be separated. Due to this we are separated from our kids, my husband and I . I am missing my grandchildren and mom and dad who are aging. I will be needing to help them soon as I am their only living daughter. Please consider this as a native citizen born in the state of Utah. My parents are native American Citizens as well as my grandparents. Missing home!
  • petition signature
    Monica L. Flores
  • donation
    Monica L. Flores
    donated 2019-02-06 21:03:29 -0500
  • survey question response
    Monica L. Flores
    answered 2019-02-06 20:34:05 -0500
    Q: What other legislative priorities, strategies or approaches would you like American Families United to consider?
    A: Bars and Bans for Immediate family members.