Alfredo Duran


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  • comment
    Alfredo Duran
    commented on Show Support 2023-10-24 18:09:32 -0400
    Please help all the American Citizens to keep their family together
    Take out the bars and let us be productive to this wonderful country
  • signup
    Alfredo Duran
    signed up on Join Us 2023-10-24 16:51:02 -0400
  • petition signature
    Alfredo Duran
    signed Letter to President Biden 2024-02-20 14:05:24 -0500
    Please help to re-unite our families. Our spouses are no criminals
  • donation
    Alfredo Duran
    donated 2023-05-22 11:13:55 -0400
  • feedback
    Alfredo Duran
    commented on Contact Us 2021-08-17 11:29:21 -0400
    umi Reyes came to the US when she was only 6 years old. She is now married to her high school sweetheart, Robert Reyes, a United States Citizen. She is also the mother of a beautiful baby girl, Allison, who is only 7 months old.

    Karumi was granted DACA protections at the age of 17. A couple of weeks ago, she left to Ciudad Juarez for her residency interview after her husband petitioned for her.

    Her and her family were left devastated when the consular officer informed her that the petition was not approved and that she could not come back to be with her family until 2031.

    Karumi has been a school teacher in the state of Texas since 2019. She has been attending public schools in College Station, Tx since the 1st grade. After Graduating from A&M Consolidated High School in 2014, she went on to attend Texas A&M. Karumi graduated with her Masters of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction in December of 2019.

    Karumi began the lengthy journey of filing for her legal permanent residency in 2017. Robert and Karumi gathered all the required documents and with the assistance of their attorney got ready for her consular interview in Ciudad Juarez. She attended her interview on March 30th 2021. On this day her entire world crumbled.

    The separation of her family is already causing irreparable harm. Robert is experiencing devastating pain due to his family being separated and has already lost 10 pounds as a result. Sadly, baby Allison has had recent medical issues and is suffering from stomach pain.

    Please show them your support by signing this petition and sharing it with your friends and family. Let’s join together to ask the Department of Homeland Security to bring Karumi home to her family who desperately await her return.

    DHS Please listen to Mrs. Karumi’s plea and approve her petitions to come back and reunite with her United States Citizen husband Robert and her beautiful baby Allison